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Acta Biologica %5BSzegediensis%5D - 1997. 42. %E9vf. 1-4. sz.
Kapcsolódó tételek

1.  Ambrus Ábrahám Centennial
2.  Anthropathies inflammatoires dans la série anthropologique de Sárrétudvari-Hízóföld (Hongrie, Xe siecle ap. J.-C.)
3.  Body composition: history, methods and applications
4.  Cholinesterase - from basic sciences to clinical practice
5.  Effects of anticholinesterases on muscarinic receptor binding properties in the rat brain
6.  In memoriam Dr. Péter Beretzk (on the occasion of the centenary of his birth in 1894)
7.  Lobodontia : Literature review and case report
8.  Methodological notes on two cros-sectional growth studies
9.  Muscarinergic and neuropeptidergic receptor heterogeneity and signal transduction
10.  Paleopathological diagnosis and ointerpretation of seronegative spondylarthropathies from the 17th century
11.  Population genetics: factors of human evolution
12.  Probable cases of skeletal infections in the 17th century anthropological series from Bácsalmás (Hungary)
13.  Universities have to promote long-term politics: anthropology and ecotechniques as test cases
14.  Études ostéoarchéologique de la série de pignans (Var, France, Ve-VIe siécles ap. J.-C.)

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