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Pakpour%2C Amir H. - Kapcsolódó tételek

1.  Comparing generalized and specific problematic smartphone/internet use: Longitudinal relationships between smartphone application-based addiction and social media addiction and psychological distress
2.  Internet addiction and psychological distress among Chinese schoolchildren before and during the COVID-19 outbreak: A latent class analysis
3.  A longitudinal study of the effects of problematic smartphone use on social functioning among people with schizophrenia: Mediating roles for sleep quality and self-stigma
4.  Problematic internet-related behaviors mediate the associations between levels of internet engagement and distress among schoolchildren during COVID-19 lockdown: A longitudinal structural equation ...
5.  Psychometric evaluation of Persian Nomophobia Questionnaire: Differential item functioning and measurement invariance across gender
6.  Psychometric evaluation of the Persian Internet Disorder Scale among adolescents
7.  Psychometric validation of the Persian Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale using classic test theory and Rasch models
8.  Social media addiction and sexual dysfunction among Iranian women: The mediating role of intimacy and social support
9.  Temporal associations between physical activity and three types of problematic use of the internet: A six-month longitudinal study

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