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King%2C Daniel L. - Kapcsolódó tételek

1.  A comprehensive model to understand and assess the motivational background of video game use: The Gaming Motivation Inventory (GMI)
2.  The concept of "harm" in Internet gaming disorder
3.  The cost of virtual wins: An examination of gambling-related risks in youth who spend money on social casino games
4.  "Diagnostic inflation" will not resolve taxonomical problems in the study of addictive online behaviours
5.  Distinguishing between gaming and gambling activities in addiction research
6.  Does "forced abstinence" from gaming lead to pornography use? Insight from the April 2018 crash of Fortnite's servers
7.  Electronic gaming machine accessibility and gambling problems: A natural policy experiment
8.  Face validity evaluation of screening tools for gaming disorder: Scope, language, and overpathologizing issues
9.  Family factors in adolescent problematic Internet gaming: A systematic review
10.  Gambling-related harms to concerned significant others: A national Australian prevalence study
11.  Gaming disorder and the COVID-19 pandemic: Treatment demand and service delivery challenges
12.  Gaming disorder: Its delineation as an important condition for diagnosis, management, and prevention
13.  Including gaming disorder in the ICD-11: The need to do so from a clinical and public health perspective : Commentary on: A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: Let us err on the side of caut...
14.  Internet pornography viewing preference as a risk factor for adolescent Internet addiction: The moderating role of classroom personality factors
15.  The longitudinal associations between internet addiction and ADHD symptoms among adolescents
16.  Loot box purchasing is linked to problem gambling in adolescents when controlling for monetary gambling participation
17.  Play dynamics on electronic gaming machines: A conceptual review
18.  Player-avatar interactions in habitual and problematic gaming: A qualitative investigation
19.  Policy responses to problematic video game use: A systematic review of current measures and future possibilities
20.  Positive play and its relationship with gambling harms and benefits
21.  The prevalence of loyalty program use and its association with higher risk gambling in Australia
22.  Problem gaming-related harm experienced by partners and parents of individuals with gaming problems and their help-seeking experiences
23.  Problematic online gaming and the COVID-19 pandemic
24.  The psychology of cryptocurrency trading: Risk and protective factors
25.  Reconsidering item response categories in gaming disorder symptoms measurement
26.  Red box, green box: A self-report behavioral frequency measurement approach for behavioral addictions research
27.  The relationship between parenting styles and adolescent problematic Internet use: A three-level meta-analysis
28.  A scoping review of the association between loot boxes, esports, skin betting, and token wagering with gambling and video gaming behaviors
29.  Skin gambling predicts problematic gambling amongst adolescents when controlling for monetary gambling
30.  Social chatbot use (e.g., ChatGPT) among individuals with social deficits: Risks and opportunities
31.  Tolerance in Internet gaming disorder: A need for increasing gaming time or something else?
32.  Understanding the mechanics and consumer risks associated with play-to-earn (P2E) gaming
33.  Which conditions should be considered as disorders in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) designation of "other specified disorders due to addictive behaviors"?
34.  Who Pays to Play Freemium Games? : the Profiles and Motivations of Players Who Make Purchases Within Social Casino Games

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